H2O Audio – Music and Water

H2O Audio – Music and Water

When I was on the swim team way back in the day, there was no viable way to bring in the necessity of music to alleviate the boredom of swimming endless laps.  The closest we got was plugging in the Rheem Caliphone monaural record player purloined from the AV department, kept at a somewhat safe distance from the splashing water.  We inevitably replayed our theme song “Smoke on the Water.” 

The shrill sonics eventually put the kibosh on that technique; looking back our coach was far more tolerant than we deserved. 

Fast forward to the digital age and the clever folks at H2O Audio have developed a solution to add some music to your day in the water.  With a variety of waterproof pouches and earbuds, you can deftly pack your iPod player and head to the pool or beach for a far more enjoyable workout.


The current generation of products from H2O Audio is sleeker and more solid in design. I expect it was that efficacy in design that brought about endorsements from noted watersport experts like Laird Hamilton, Michael Phelps and Natalie Coughlin. The latter two have just launched a worthy campaign to promote healthy, active lifestyles and grow the sport of swimming.

I am doubtful my setlist (or laptimes) mimics that of either of the latter two swimmers, but I no longer have a crucial excuse to avoid my swimming workout. The boredom factor is pretty well removed.  I thought I might listen to spoken word podcasts, but I find a decent setlist is the best addition to a workout.


My iPod fits snugly in the H20 armband (which is a far better form factor than the prior waistband I tested).  The earbuds form a snug fit in the earcanal, with a surprising and pleasing bass response.

The first few times I tried the system, I had much trepidation dunking underwater.  But the moisture was kept at bay and soon I was churning along to a Britpop mix culled from bands appearing at Coachella. In fact, I often happily regress to some Deep Purple to take me back to my youth on the swim team.

The combination of getting back into swimming laps with music is a pleasant way to move beyond the mundane workout.


My next move is to see whether my thoroughly neophyte efforts at surfing will make me feel like Laird Hamilton.


Brad Auerbach has been a journalist and editor covering the media, entertainment, travel and technology scene for many years. He has written for Forbes, Time Out London, SPIN, Village Voice, LA Weekly and early in his career won a New York State College Journalism Award.
