Our wonderful Wallis Annenberg Center in BH was the perfect venue for a Tex-Mex Fiesta benefiting the Farrah Fawcett Foundation. The event celebrated the life & legacy of this “Special Angel”, ten years after her death. The star-studded event included a special honor to cancer survivor and actress Marcia Cross; as well as a touching tribute to the late wife of actor Fred Willard, philanthropist & writer Mary Willard.

Jaclyn Smith & Alana Stewart (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
The event was chaired by another Angel (still beautiful Jaclyn Smith) & Dr. Lawrence Piro. Among those enjoying the gourmet Tex-Mex menu sipping merry Margaritas were such luminaries as Billy Baldwin, Pam Dawber, Melanie Griffith & of course, Ryan O’Neil. Naturally, her bff, who produced a documentary on Farrah’s brave journey, Alana Stewart, was there to honor her friend. The FFF was created to provide funding for cutting edge cancer. With events like this — perhaps we shall eventually win the battle.

Honoree Marcia Cross (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
Renowned Art Dealer & Author Molly Barnes invited a group of prestigious guests to an art show FEAR IN THE SKY at the Fine Arts Gallery — West Los Angeles to a most unusual event. During the show, guests were attacked from the sky by drones, lights were lowered, and Alien type music was pumped into the room every half-hour of the 3 hour show!

Joel Diamond, actress Rebecca Holden, Dr. James Limabaugh & Molly Barnes, Curator (Photo Credit: Molly Barnes)
The event featured the work of 12 artists, including John Eden, whose art centers on the artist’s diverse take on flight, UFO’s & warfare. You may have the opportunity to visit this show until October 19th, free of charge at the West Los Angeles College, 9000 Overland Ave. in Culver City. Remember the theme: “You can run, but you cannot hide”.
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