Winners celebrated, TV’s TCA Awards are a harbinger for the Emmys
The 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards will air Sunday, September 20, 2020 on ABC hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. Thanks to everyone living in a pandemic world with Covid this year, the live Emmys ... Continue Reading →

PBS’ stellar lineup for 50th anniversary season announced at Zoom-friendly TCA press tour
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everything— almost.
The rare exception is PBS, which remains a constant. It is a beacon of trustworthy news and entertainment that inspires as ... Continue Reading →

‘Unladylike2020: The Changemakers’ celebrates 100-yrs of women trailblazers on American Masters
It could be the news headline today in 2020— Fighting for equality with the goal to improve life for everyone, incredible individuals raise their voices and battle for change. ... Continue Reading →

Weatherman comic Fritz Coleman retires after 4 decades of smiles & sunshine at NBC4
“Fritz said it would be like this.” But after 39 years of delivering his forecasts of “early morning low clouds and fog, hazy afternoon,” the man who has brought relentless ... Continue Reading →

Oprah’s healing conversation with ‘OWN Spotlight: Where do we go from here?’
Leave it to Oprah Winfrey to offer much needed insight that’s understandable for people from all walks of life, privileged or not, black or white. Helping people heal. It’s ... Continue Reading →

Pandemic-safe celebration for heroes, Memorial Day Concert PBS May 24
Memorial Day dates back to the Civil War, created as a way to heal a divided nation. It is good to remember that nowadays.
America’s fallen service men and women, as well as active ... Continue Reading →

Hollywood helps during pandemic– Tom Hanks’ blood & hospital dramas providing equipment for healthcare heroes
Hollywood has always offered a helping hand during a crisis. And now Hollywood’s finest are rallying to raise money, provide lifesaving equipment, and even offering blood during ... Continue Reading →

‘Defending Jacob’ stars Chris Evans & Michelle Dockery on Apple TV+
Which would you choose—upholding justice or protecting your child? In Defending Jacob, Chris Evans (Captain America) and Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) are faced with that dilemma. ... Continue Reading →
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